The Laws of Thinking

The Laws of Attraction
When you send out certain vibrations, certain results will come. The level of our frequency determines the depth of our reception. As we tap into this frequencey (frequent flow of currency) of the "I AM", the "that I AM" recieves and agrees with the "I AM" and thus creates manifestation on the level of such frequencey.
Since habits are always forming by the thoughts we create, we have to consciously umpire our thoughts and allow the principles of "I AM" to create and form (manifest)that which we desire to be, do and to have.
The Law of Attraction is, the energy that comes out of your mind will attract whatever suits it.
Additional points from the Law of Attraction are as follows:
*Your purpose is to manifest the good of God.
*When you name something, you give it a nature.
*Focussed attention is the currency that buys what you desire.
*Your thoughts will attract like things and people.
*The friends you keep is a prophecy of who you are and where you are going.
*The things that come into your life will first be without form and void of your natural understanding.
Thank you Master Prophet for this written epistle "The Laws of Thinking", that is causing the conquest of the mind throughout the earth.