Prophet Fitzroy A. Green

Temple Guard in P.O.M.E. "Prophetic Order of Mar Elijah"

Friday, October 28, 2011

"The most difficult lessons are those with the greatest rewards." PFG
St Louis just won't quit. Let's go Texas.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

"The heights that great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight; but they, while their companion slept, were toiling through the night." Unknown

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The All is the Infinite Living Mind, which we call "Spirit!" Christ Jesus the "All in All." PFG
Get ready for the face of God. In order to run this race with pace, consider no face but his face, says the Spirit of Grace. PFG

Monday, October 17, 2011

"There is a thin line between humility and living a lie." PFG

Sunday, October 09, 2011

"Focus on your assignment and not your enemies. God is elevating you, snakes cannot survive at high altitudes. Keep moving up!!!" PMJ

Saturday, October 08, 2011

"You have the power right now, to effect great miracles in your life and in those around you. You are forever a Divine transformer." PFG
"Get attached to purpose not people." PFG
"As The bee gets honey from the same flower a spider gets poison, so some of us will get fortune out of the commonest and so called meaningless things, which others gets only poverty and failure." Og Mandino

Saturday, October 01, 2011

"You don't attract what you need, you attract what you value." DrMM
"I am a receiver of God's Divine Wisdom." DrMM
"God gives seed to the sower and harvest to the receiver." DrMM
"You only attract what you like." DrMM
"My seed to God is a conversation of passion, it documents that I trust him (God)." DrMM
"The purpose of the seed is to create a harvest." DrMM
"The purpose of knowledge is to create a change." DrMM
"The purpose of wisdom is to identify those who are worthy of honor." DrMM
"Honor is the seed for tomorrow, the seed for success." DrMM
"Honor is the ability to pay someone for their difference." DrMM